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LN core coupling
LX star flexible coupling
LMZ type split brake wheel plum coupling
MLS (LMS) double flange plum flexible coupling
JMIJ connected to the intermediate shaft diaphragm coupling
JMIIJ connected to the intermediate shaft diaphragm coupling
JMII type non-sinking diaphragm coupling
JMI type with countersunk diaphragm coupling
SWP-G has telescopic ultra-short universal joint
SWP-F large telescopic long universal coupling
SWP-E has telescopic double flange long universal coupling
SWP-D non-retractable long universal coupling

Zhenjiang Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
? Haicheng Group All rights reserved.
???????????? Address: No. 68, High-tech Development Zone, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province   Service Hotline:18913433240
???????????? Company Tel: 0511-85783292   Company Fax:0511-85019680 (automatic reception)

Copyright ? Zhenjiang Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved .

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